Biodynamics Now! Investigative Farming And Restorative Nutrition Podcast

The Biodynamics Now! Podcast Episode 021 Hugh Lovel Farmer, Author, Founder of Quantum Agriculture



Lovel is a master gardener who understands that we live not on the earth but in it, with miles of life above and below us in an interdependent and interconnected matrix of life. I met him just as he was beginning his life in biodynamic agriculture, and know the passion he brought to a subject that is part metaphysics and part science. You will experience it in this book. It is a path that must be both mastered intellectually and experienced personally to be comprehended. The thing about a properly functioning biodynamic system, whether it is a private garden or a commercial activity, is that even if you don't understand the world view, you cannot argue with the best fresh ear of corn you have ever eaten, or a tomato so good you just have to go, “Oh my.” The proof is in the pudding, as the cliché has it. My wife is a biodynamic gardener. Her garden produces enough produce, fruit, and berries for us to eat all year, and share generously. I had been eating organic, but not biodynamic, food for 40 years. When Ron