Biodynamics Now! Investigative Farming And Restorative Nutrition Podcast

BD Now! Podcast 014 David Lee Hoffman: Tea Explorer, Importer, and Popularizer, Expert in Soil Building and Sustainable living



ALL IN THIS TEA   Crusading American tea importer David Lee Hoffman supports China's endangered organic farmers by searching out fine, chemical-free teas for sale to the American quality tea market, a market of Mr Hoffman's creation. Mr. Hoffman, who has been called the Indiana Jones of tea, may be the ultimate do-it-yourselfer. But the county has issues with the 30 or so structures he has built over the years. "My love of the planet is greater than my fear of the law" David Lee Hoffman He's been called "The Indiana Jones of Tea" by nothing less than The New York Times, more accurately, though, he's the best candidate I've seen for the title of "The Worlds Most Interesting Man."  Here's just a few of his qualifications for that title: As a young man, invented a unique sonic cleaning system for cleaning valueable ancient textiles, artifacts and fine art that is used to this day by major museums Spent over 10 years as a consciencous objecter wandering over 100 countries He was amongst the first Americans to