Living Intentionally With Amy Smalarz

Living Intentionally and Taking a Leap of Faith



Fast Inc. Network is an emerging entrepreneur network rooted in the lessons learned and applied by its founders to their own personal business. Kim England and Lisha  Crytzer ran a successful multi-million dollar healthcare firm assisting hospitals with hiring strategies, yet, after years of handling it on their own, their company's growth stalled.  Stagnated. It stood at the verge of bankruptcy.  Years of passion and hard work balanced on the line of giving up and throwing in the towel.  After a final leap of faith and attending an inspiring business conference. Kim and Lisha realized what they'd missed all along; access.  Access to specialists. Realizing their expertise was first-class, their experience and frustration wasn't unique; they were not alone.  They gained the access, tools, and trust they so desperately needed.