Knowledge For Men Archives

How to Use Adversity to Become Your Strongest Self With Alicia M. Smith



Professionally, Alicia M. Smith is an Award-Winning Author who most recently released the book Common Stones, and Special Project Consultant at Public Consulting Group, in Nashville, TN. She has obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Wayne State University, as well as a Master of Arts degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Xavier University. Favorite Success Quote “Every no gets me closer to my yes” ~Robert D. Smith Key Points 1. Success is in Our Decisions Not Our Conclusions Many people think that success is about the attainment of something, but the truth is, success is about who you become along the way and the decisions that you make. Who would you consider a success? The man who achieved his goal of making a million dollars in a year but did it in an unethical way or the man who was presented with the opportunity to make a million unethically but stuck to his guns and did what he knew was right? I think we both know the answer. Success is truly about living a life with honor