Knowledge For Men Archives

Rational Living in an Irrational World With John Vespasian



John Vespasian is the author of seven books about rational living, including “When Everything Fails, Try This“, “Rationality Is the Way to Happiness“, and “The 10 Principles of Rational Living.” Favorite Success Quote “A small dose of rationality is worth a large amount of positive thinking” Key Points 1. Rationality, not Positivity is the Way to Success We live in an era of positive thinking, where people value a good attitude over rational thought. If you want to be successful, you have to approach all of your endeavors with a rational mind. Base your assumptions off of history and practice, not off of positive psychology. 2. Be an Entrepreneur Not a Crusader One of the biggest mistakes many would-be prolific entrepreneurs and business owners made is that they allowed their mission to become a crusade. Instead of simply working on growing their business and their profit, they focused on forcing their message down other people’s throats instead of allowing their success to speak for itself. 3. Focus on Achie