Knowledge For Men Archives

Redefining Masculinity and Manhood With Jack Donovan



Jack Donovan moonlights as an advocate for men, tribalism, and paleo-masculinity. He has contributed popular essays and reviews to The Spearhead, Alternative Right, Counter Currents, The Hall of Manly Excellence, Amerika and other sites. He lives and works near Portland, Oregon. Key Points 1. It’s Not About Survival But Thriving Being a “real man” or being good at being a man is not necessary in todays world. We pretty much have everything that we need in life, and living life as a supplicating, scared, cowardly man will allow us to survive. But its not about that… Life isn’t about survival, its about thriving, its about living to your fullest and giving your gifts to the world, and you can’t do that if you suck at being a man. You can’t do that if you are always looking to others for permission and to tell you what to do with your life. At some point you have to man up and take responsibility for your life. Period. 2. You Have to Challenge Yourself Life is too easy, men aren’t challenged the way they used to