Dynamic Lifestyle Podcast

The Importance of Staying in Your Lane as a Coach



Quick Story: If we travel back a decade ago when we first started coaching, we made a ton of mistakes, one of the huge mistakes was not staying in our lanes to serve our clients more. We would try to be personal trainers, try to be bodybuilding coaches, try to be powerlifting coaches, and try to be online fitness coaches, all at the same time. We were in so many lanes and trying to wear so many different hats that we were selling our clients short and not doubling down on a couple of areas we truly loved and were dominant at. In today’s society, specifically, the coaching industry, a lot of coaches want to wear different hats and coach in different areas of expertise. A question we like to ask our Dynamic Inner Circle students is: “Do you think Phil Jackson would have played Shaq at point guard during the Lakers title runs?” The answer is, No, he kept Shaq in his lane, at center, and he dominated for years and brought the Lakers multiple championships. In todays society, if we use a fitness example, you see c