Dynamic Lifestyle Podcast

The Netflix of Education and Personal Development with Alex Mehr



Do you like to binge watch Netflix shows? We have always been fascinated by the business model Netflix has. Only $10.99, tons of shows, movies, documentaries... It's hard to beat. What's cool is we had a conversation with Alex Mehr, the CEO of Mentor Box. Mentor Box is using the Netflix model, but instead of receiving access to tons of movies, shows, and documentaries, they are giving you access to videos and workshops taught by top authors, speakers, CEO's, investors, and more. The education that is being taught each month in Mentor Box is not not being taught in our current school systems and the tools and skills you will learn from them are amazing, practical, and more suitable for the real world. In this episode with Alex Mehr, you will learn the following: -Mentor Box's vision and core values to make the education system and world a better place -How he went from being a scientist at NASA , then onto creating the second largest dating site in the world, and then onto creating Mentor Box -His observations