Beyond The Walls

Episode 20: Ark of the Covenant (Part 2) Biblical Mysteries



Communication Device: Some firmly believe that the Ark of the Covenant was a device for communicating with peoples unknown, although to the Israelites on their exodus, it was a means to communicate with God. While these theories are speculative at best, they are reasonably well–thought out, based on writings and accounts in various ancient texts, including the Bible. When active, it was said that the image of God would appear in between the two cherubs that reside on top of the Ark, known as the Mercy Seat. There are several takes on what this may have been in reality. Some argue that the appearances of God in the Bible, for example, are often depicted as flames or smoke or bright lights. Given that many believe the Ark to have been some kind of electrical device (which we will look at later), it is possible that when it was “activated,” there would have been sparks and flashes that some may have taken as a sign of God. A somewhat more extreme theory is that the Ark was literally a communication device that c