

The value of this podcast comes directly from the amazing guests I am able to speak with on a weekly basis. Today’s guest is not only a seasoned vet on the road, track and trail but is also a CEO of a coaching company known as Chaski Endurance Collective. What made the sit down with Tyler Andrews so enjoyable is that he has range when it comes to speaking from the perspective of both an athlete and coach.  Tyler’s journey is unique because he did not excel like most world class athletes do early on in their career, particularly in high school. In high school he was an 18:30 5,000 meter runner as a senior. However, as Tyler continued to consistently put in the work he found greater success at Tufts University as he made NCAA D3 Nationals twice as an individual.  After graduating with a mechanical engineering degree, Tyler took an opportunity to continue chasing his running goals and moved to Ecuador. While living there, he became exactly what he believed he could become through countless miles and hours of ded