Spartanburg City News

Hundreds of new and renovated residential units add to economic power of Downtown Spartanburg



  So far in our series on the economic power of Downtown Spartanburg, we've talked about a lot of the great things about our city's core that otherwise might fly a little under the radar at times. From the  one block, to the , to the staggering number of people who , it's pretty clear that Downtown Spartanburg is on a historic upswing.   One of the best ways to gauge the truth of that statement is to ask a simple question: how many people choose to live in Downtown Spartanburg? As it turns out, a lot.   Sure, you may be asking, but how many units in Downtown Spartanburg actually have someone living in them? How about 90 percent? On top of that great occupancy rate, there s the promise of more on the horizon with a new building on Broad St. currently under construction and more new developments on the horizon. Add all that up and it's clear that it's not that there aren't enough people to fill the units we have, it's that we don't have enough units for the people wishing to hang their hats in Downtown Spartan