Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: Talking Land Conservation with SPACE Executive Director, Andrew Waters



You may have never heard of the , but you've almost certainly heard of their work. Dedicated to preserving natural habitat and greenspace throughout Spartanburg County, the organization owns and maintains , a 115-acre urban preserve and trail system on our city's east side, as well as other preserves in Spartanburg County such as the Chinquapin Greenway and Glendale Shoals Preserve. Since its founding in 1989, SPACE has protected thousands of acres in our area through private land conservation efforts.   Today on the podcast, we sit down with SPACE Executive Director Andrew Waters to talk about the organization's work in Spartanburg. Along the way we get a better understanding of what terms like "conservation easement" mean, and talk for a bit about the organization's annual fundraiser,  which is being held at Hub-Bub's Showroom on November 7.