Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: Spartanburg Community College Downtown Campus exceeds enrollment expectations



It has been a while since we had Assistant City Manager Chris Story on the podcast, and this week we rectify that situation. On the agenda is news that Spartanburg Community College recently opened their downtown campus and has already exceeded its expected enrollment with around 750 new students taking classes in their freshly renovated historic location. What does it mean to have hundreds of new college students in Downtown Spartanburg? How does that expand on Spartanburg's position as a "college town," with institutions of higher learning seeminly around every corner of our city?  Along the way we talk about the groundswell of recent small business investment in the downtown area, with unique new businesses like Olive and Then Some opening their doors and winners of the Main Street Challenge getting their spaces ready to go. What does that new small business investment bring to our community, and how might it help set the table for further growth? Listen to the podcast as we try to sort it out.