Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: Spartanburg Metro Area Trails & Greenways Plan



Wouldn't it be great if the Mary Black Foundation Rail Trail connected to Downtown? It's , and now there may be an answer to that and many other questions Spartanburg residents have about creating new opportunities for outdoor recreation, while expanding on our existing options. Last week, a broad group of community stakeholders  the first draft of an exciting plan to more than double the number of miles in the Spartanburg metro area dedicated to trails and greenways. After studying an area that runs north to south from Boiling Springs to Old Canaan Road, and west to east from Interstate 26 to the Pacolet River, the group settled on nine priority projects that would create a web of trails and greenways for pedestrians and cyclists, linking the entire metro area of Spartanburg by using existing trails and by building new ones. Joining us to talk about the new Trails and Greenways Master Plan, and what it means for Spartanburg, are Council member Cate Ryba and Partners for Active Living Executive Director Laura