Spartanburg City News

City News Podcast: Council Meeting Preview and Skating on the Square



Wouldn't it be great if the City had its own weekly radio show to give residents the lowdown on what's going on with local government and city event news? Chances are, there are about five of you who just said yes to that question. For the record, we love each and every one of you. For those of you who might not be quite as enthusiastic about a radio show, what if we promised that it won't be boring (we'll try...seriously) and that you can listen to it whenever you like on your computer, smartphone, or mp3 player ... through the voodoo magic of the Internet? (Warning-gratuitous Sen. Ted Stevens link .) If you know about these kinds of things, you might say that 2005 called, and it wants its Internet breakthrough back. Then again, you might still be intrigued. You might even think that a local government willing to produce a podcast to keep you in the loop on what your City's leaders are up to while also offering information on the latest new initiatives and events around town is pretty responsive, maybe even