Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#1 Most Popular Episode of 2020 - Katee Pedicini



[CN/TW: Suicide, suicidal ideation] Katee Pedicini has become a regular on Sparta Chicks Radio over the years.  Yet this is a very different conversation from our previous episodes. This time, Katee shared her story.  It’s the story of her mental health journey over the last 20 years. In her 20s, Katee was (finally) diagnosed with a condition called Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (or PMDD) which affects between 3-8% of menstruating woman. To describe it as, or compare it to, PMS doesn’t do it justice. And in fact, it would do a disservice to those who suffer from it. Katee describes it in this conversation as extreme PMS “wrapped up with anxiety, depression, sometimes psychosis and suicidality or suicidal tendencies” We begin this conversation with Katee’s story. Her experience of the symptoms of PMDD, including suicidal ideation. Then we transition into a broader conversation about suicide and mental health.  Finally, we step back and discuss the intersection between mental health and endurance sports. Thi