Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#087: Caroline Buchanan on Fear, Crashing & Mindfulness in Practice



Caroline Buchanan's cycling bio is quite extraordinary. Not just because she's an 8x World Champion, but also because she has achieved those titles across 2 multiple disciplines within the sport of cycling (3x in BMX and 5x in mountain biking). She is a 2x Olympian (London in 2012 and Rio in 2016) and has now competed at the World Championships in 4 different cycling events. Off the bike, Caroline is committed to the next generation of cyclists and to encouraging more girls to get into the sport, including through her latest venture; a children's book series called 'Girls Can B'. Needless to say, she's a woman of many talents - both on and off the bike! We could have spent the hour just talking about her cycling career, but I wanted to go deeper than that -- to discover the mindset and mental strategies she uses to manage her fear (in a risky and potentially dangerous sport) so she can perform on the world stage at her best. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website