Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

From the Vault - Natalie Cook on the Search for Mental Toughness



“The decision to believe in yourself can be done instantaneously. Then to become unwavering belief, it’s a daily practice.” How do you develop self-belief? This question is at the core of my discussion with Natalie Cook - a 5x Olympian and dual Olympic medallist, including the Gold medal in Beach Volleyball at the 2000 Sydney Olympics - this week on #SpartaChicksRadio. Although Nat and partner Kerry Pottharst won the Bronze medal in Sydney, Nat will be the first to admit that, at the time, she didn’t believe she had the mental toughness or emotional stability to win. So she went on a 4-year journey of personal development and self-discovery to understand the power of the mind and how to develop deep-in-her-bones self-belief. In this fun interview, we discuss everything from a fear of failure to the power of using an alter ego to find the inner strength and conviction you need. (What alter ego would you adopt?) Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website here Follow Sp