Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#014: Melissa Urie on Using Your Mind to Achieve the "Impossible"



Melissa Urie is only the second women (and first Australian woman) to complete the Epic 5, an (appropriately named) event consisting of 5 Ironman distance triathlons on 5 Hawaiian Islands over 5 days. That’s 224km / 140 miles of swimming, riding and running every day for 5 days. In this conversation, we discuss how she fits her training into her life, why she wanted to do such a seemingly "impossible" event in the first place, her strategies for dealing with the heat, how you inspire people around you often without realising it and how being mentally strong can help you achieve things you shouldn’t, in theory, be physically able to accomplish. Even if you aren’t involved in triathlons, I have no doubt you’ll learn from and be inspired by Mel’s experience.