Podcasting 101

Podfund 101



Unless you've been hiding under a rock, or still dialing into your internet, you've heard of Crowd Source Funding. Made popular by sites like Kickstarter, Indie GoGo and GoFundMe.com. Well, there is a new Crowd Funding sheriff in town and his name is Podfund! Podfund runs and looks very similar to the other funding sites you may have used or checked out in the past...only this one is geared specifically for You, a fellow podcaster! Robert, the creator and owner of Podfund.com was nice enough to sit down, over skype, and fill us in on all the details of creating and maintaining a podcast campain. If this is something that interests you then stick around for this interview. In the Podcast Tip of the day, I introduce you to a site called DonateYourAccount.com. Which is a cool site that allowes your Facebook and/or Twitter followers to donate thier account for you to spread your message through. Now, your followers already know how crazy you can be with your promotion, so they do this graciously by allowing only