Podcasting 101

Keith and The Girl 101



Hey everyone, welcome back to Podcasting 101! I do hope your New Year has been exciting and rewarding! A quick question for ya. Did you set any podcasting goals for the year? I sure did! I have a few that I share with you real quick and then I get into the meat of the show! This week, Keith and the Girl join us to talk about podcasting! Believe it or not, they've been podcasting since 2005! They've been podcasting longer than 3 of my kids have been alive! Wrap your head around that if you can...I don't know about you...but I sure had trouble! Keith and the Girl is the real deal. Another one of those podcasters that found lightning in a bottle, trapped it and made it their (Expletive)!  So all of you that are hoping to get into podcasting, or already are...and you've got long term goals to find some kind of success, well, this is a fantastic episode to listen to! Contact: Twitter: @Podcaster101 Email: 7DAGpodcasting101@gmail.com Voicemail: 206-424-0772