Podcasting 101

Epic PodQuest 101



Today we are joined by the podcast that came from no where, they are successful bloggers, podcasters and geeks about Pop Culture, Tech and more. They are the "Epic Podquest." Hosted by Nayt, Grant, Justin and John, these guys share everything they've learned. Well, as much as I could squeeze from them in 40ish minutes.  These guys have great chemistry and pull no punches when talking about running a successful show and even talking about eachother! They clearly have passion for it and after hearing what they've achieved in a year...they have drive too! We talk building an audience, marketing via social media and using other podcasters as friends, community and another avenue to get heard. The key is to have fun... If you haven't yet, please subscribe and review "Podcasting101", we love hearing from our listeners. Also, if there is something you want to hear us discuss in a future episode please contact us and let us know, we'd love to hear from you! Also, don't forget to subscribe to Epic Podquest! Contact: T