Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

087: Paid podcast subscriptions... oh my! New opportunities in podcasting?



Episode 087. "Paid podcast subscriptions in Apple and Spotify...Great idea for Apple and Spotify and for all those big fancy podcasters with tens of thousands of downloads and also for the networks. Awesome. Cool. Indie podcasters... Just keep doing your thing." ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss You've already heard the breaking news from a month ago, right? Apple Podcasts and Spotify are offering paid podcast subscriptions on a per show or per network basis. So theoretically you can easily earn a few bucks off your listeners if they LOVE your show enough to pay for it, or pay for it ad-free, or pay for early access, or pay for bonus content. Is this something you need to be paying attention to and jumping in on? My thoughts... in this episode! Also... Facebook getting into more "social audio experiences" a la Clubhouse? Twitter and LinkedIn too I guess. Social audio experiences...What does this phrase conjure up for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Email me, andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com, DM me or