Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

076: Yes, you can make money traveling and podcasting with Debbie Arcangeles, The Offbeat Life



Episode 076. “So, for people who are at podcast envy, stop envying and start doing." ~Debbie Arcangeles The odds of duplicating Debbie Arcangeles’ podcasting success appear to be on par with capturing a real, live rainbow unicorn. Her show, The Offbeat Life, started raking in dollars well before its first anniversary - to the tune of five figures a month - and hasn’t stopped since. So, what’s her secret?  Commitment over cosmic good fortune (although a profile over at Refinery29 didn’t hurt). Still, Debbie had to deliver if she wanted to capitalize on the unexpected press. “Every single day, I work, and that's the thing that you have to understand. I'm not necessarily better than you. I just work every single day. And I'm obsessed.” Proof that real, live people (not unicorns) reap well-earned rewards. Debbie’s masterclass, How To Create A Podcast, is a virtual launchpad for podcasters. In it, she guides participants through practical considerations and offers suggestions for monetizing a show. When asked i