Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

068: Capture What's Current with Sarah Duncan, Salacious History



Episode 068. “Don’t let that [technical] stuff frustrate you...Keep going...because that satisfaction of planning an episode, recording it and finishing it, even if no one else listens to it, if you are proud of it, that's just an immensely satisfying feeling.” ~Sarah Duncan Can a podcast that investigates history's secret sexy-times also be a resource for its listening community in tough times? In doing so, how does it stay true to its POV? And how the heck does a podcaster stay afloat without an outside sponsor or their own business/service to market? For Salacious History creator Sarah Duncan the answer to all of those questions (and more) is passion. Each episode is thoroughly researched by a team of...one. Edited and posted by a team of...one. Financially supported by a team of...You get where this is going. Without that passionate why, even a podcast about randy historical figures is in danger of losing steam. Get the full show notes, resources, and links at: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/po