Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

065: The Power of In-Person Connection with Adela Mizrachi, Podcast Brunch Club



Episode 065. “We will lose something very, very fundamental to what it is to be human if we start interacting solely online.” ~Adela Mizrachi Want an inspiring story about the power of personal passion coupled with organic audience growth? Excellent because we’re talking six continent expansion!  Looking to add just one more podcast to your queue? Great! Podcast Envy is about to tumble down the glorious rabbit hole that is Podcast Brunch Club, a “little weird project” Adela Mizrachi created in 2015 as a way to get together with like-minded listeners (as opposed to creators) for food, conversation and podcast camaraderie. Today, the book club for podcasts boasts 80 chapters around the globe and has recorded close to 100 of its own episodes - all in just five years. With the pandemic shuttering restaurants and drastically limiting gatherings, in real life feels like a foreign concept now. The pause is giving Adela time to consider ways of finally monetizing her highly successful “little weird project”. In the m