Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

064: Podcasting and Prosperity with Joan Sotkin from The Prosperity Show



Episode 064. “In order to change your life, you have to change. Your life is not going to change so that you can change. You have to change so that your life can change...It's simple, but it ain't easy.” ~Joan Sotkin When you talk about having “podcast envy,” your mind may wander to your podcasting mentors -- those whose shows have inspired you to want to get on the mic more than anything! Joan Sotkin is a self-described new age-y weirdo (and one of my podcasting mentors) -- who knows how to deliver unflinching advice about money. In her nearly 80 years of life, Joan’s mastered the art of expressing herself exactly as she is. Her podcast, The Prosperity Show, is one of the first I ever discovered as a listener, and just in time to help guide me through navigating bankruptcy after closing my first business -- and starting over again.  On the show, Joan discusses concepts like quantum healing or intuition as engines for financial freedom. As she’s fond of saying, whether there’s too little or too much of it (!!