Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

060: Distribution Talk with Jason Bader on launching, interview skills and defining your why



Episode 060. "As a host of a show if you really want to have longevity, you start handing the things over that you don't particularly enjoy about the process to others who can do it much better than you can... and really focus in on what do [you] love and what do [you] do best." ~Jason Bader Ready. Set. Go, now and future podcasters! This one’s part primer, one part pep talk. Jason Bader is a longtime client of yours truly and host of Distribution Talk, the show that dives into the stories of business owners and thought leaders in the wholesale distribution space. Now that I have your attention… Seriously though, Jason has a talent for taking this relatively mundane topic and making it interesting. As niche as the distribution field may sound, consider that getting products from a manufacturer into the hands of consumers makes up approximately 26% of the GDP in the US alone. Jason shares his views on all the (podcast) things: Download numbers! Outsourcing tasks! Startup equipment costs! Sponsorship goals! Wit