Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

015: Hey Andrea... what gear do you use?



Episode 015. "Hey Andrea... will one of your Podcast Envy epis feature a list of equipment you started with (like, from the very first episode you ever recorded) & how those items have changed/morphed over time, like what you kept, what you upgraded, what you've jettisoned? Asking for a friend... " Special thanks to community member Lisa Widder for the excellent question! Lisa, here's your answer! Do you have a question for me? Send me a short voice memo, email or FB message and I maaay just answer it on a future episode.  Upcoming FREE podcasting class with me @ Next Door Chicago -  6/13 from 6:30-8:00pm.    Featured Podcast Angel: Ecamm Call Recorder The software I use for my interviews on The Creative Impostor. Get it for Skype here.  Get it for FaceTime here. Ecamm Live Skype+FB Live+Your Show = LOVE! Everything I enjoy about Call Recorder and MORE for Facebook Live integration!!! Check it out here. *I'll get a little thank you payment when you use the promo code envy to sign up for your account.   Re