Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

003: For newbies only or congrats you started a podcast and now what?



You've launched your show... or you're getting really close! From the bottom of my Podcast Boss heart, congratulations!!! You are on track. And I'm here to support you (and protect you from the typical newbie pitfalls -- because you're so much better than typical!) Now what? Episode 003!   Show Notes and Resources Galore: http://www.podcastenvy.com   Podcast Angel: Libsyn: The Best Podcast Hosting (in my honest opinion)* GET A FREE MONTH of hosting with promo code: envy So many people say to me, "Oh do I really have to pay for hosting? Can't I just use such and such free service or host from my Wordpress site or Squarespace or SoundCloud...?" You know what? If you're not willing/able to invest even this small amount in what you're creating, I'm questioning whether you really want to podcast! Save yourself future headaches. Invest a little up front (seriously you can get started for $5/month or jump onto the plan I've been using since the beginning of $15/month.) And KNOW that Libsyn's got your back. Your fee