Stat Sisters

NSFW Nurses Week 2017 Mini-pod with Courtney Thompson BSN, RNC-OB



Welcome to this mini-pod episode featuring my friend and colleague Courtney Thompson. Courtney shared a nursing story that I feel requires a warning. This story contains ADULT THEMES and should not be listened to at work or with children present. Nursing stories are not always kid friendly and I want to be clear that I would not let my own children listen to this story due to the mature content. Fair warning. Happy Nurses Week! We had a couple more mini-pod episodes that we didn't release during nursing week, so here is a bonus treat! Listen to the other great min-pod episodes for Nurses Week on YouTube, iTunes, Soundcloud or anywhere podcasts are found. Please comment your questions for upcoming podcasts! Nurses chatting about everything nursing and the occasional Harry Potter. We are on Instagram @statsisters Follow us on Twitter @StatSisters Check out our website Like us on FB