Episcopal Church Of All Saints, Indianapolis

Sowing Recklessly - Br. Daniel-Chad Hoffman



"There is a wonderful mystery in the emergence of plants. We plant, yes, but we are not in final control of what happens. This parable reminds us that even though we may be planting seeds for the in-breaking Kingdom of God, the timing and ultimate germination of this Kingdom is not in our control." Brother Daniel-Chad Hoffman preaches on the sixth Sunday after Pentecost (July 16, 2017). Readings: Gen. 25:19-34; Ps. 119:105-112; Rom. 8:1-11; Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23 Image: "The Sower" (Millet), photograph by Thomas Hawk (https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomashawk/), distributed under a CC BY-NC license.