Game Time With Manny

Episode 43 - Game Of The Year Categories



This year Matt and I decided to amp up the Game of the Year stuff and start doing categories as well. This will be in addition to our regular Game of the Year podcast that goes up in a few days. For this one we keep the regular format, but then transition into talking about ten categories and giving our top three games in each. We do our best to warn about spoilers. We talk about a TON of games for the categories, so there will be no timestamps for those. News - 00:55 to 20:10 What We Played - 20:11 to 42:27 GOTY Categories - 43:20 to 3:25:37 Specific Game Time Stamps Detroit: Become Human - 20:23 to 30:25 Celeste - 30:26 to 34:53 NHL 19 - 34:54 to 42:27