Orchard Hill Church

Zoom Out: New Creation - Dave Bartlett



In this series, we are zooming out to get a bird’s eye view of the Story of God contained in the Scriptures. It is so important that we all understand this deep reality we live in. So as we zoom out, we will also zoom in to pay close attention to what we are calling the “chapters” of God’s story - from the beginning of the world to the picture of the world to come. And the theme of this story - which is a real story, a true story - is that God is a God of redemption and restoration -- a God always calling people back to himself, who makes all things new, and who never, ever gives up on His people. God is a God who in Creation made everything that exists, out of love. And even though God gave us everything we need, human beings fell into sin because of our own choices at the Fall. And our relationship with God, with each other, and with God’s good creation was ruptured. But God didn’t give up on us. He called to himself a Chosen People and made of them a great nation. But humans fell into sin again and again a