Orchard Hill Church

The Race: Ask & Receive - Juli Camarin



The starting line of a marathon... a place of enthusiasm and excitement. But mid-way through the race, runners start to stumble, falter, even quit. For many, the lack of appropriate fuel is their downfall. True in a marathon. True in the Christian life. The beginning of the journey of following Jesus is full of energy and excitement. But how do we keep going? How do we finish the race God has marked out for us? Jesus gives his followers the race plan, the way he wants us to run this race we call life. Some of Jesus’ most powerful and demanding instruction about how he wants us to run. We call it the Sermon on the Mount. And it begins with Jesus providing us the only fuel that can keep us running - the whole race - with power and joy. And that fuel is grace. The grace of Jesus… It’s not just for the start It’s not just for the final push to the finish The grace of Jesus is the only energy source powerful enough to propel us through the beginning, middle, and end of our journey. Only Jesus’ grace can help us