Orchard Hill Church

I•DOL•EYES - Greed: Juli Camarin



We were created by God to worship him and to love him above all. But in the Garden of Eden, we broke this natural order and started to worship things other than God. This is what the Bible calls idolatry, and in biblical days it involved worshipping self-created gods, or even a statue of wood, stone or gold. Seems silly to us now … But we are as much idol worshipers as were our ancestors. We just worship different kinds of idols, things like comfort, control, significance and money. Tim Keller defines an idol as “anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” What is so tricky about modern day idols is that they often start out as good things; gifts from God, even. And then we twist them and elevate them and give them a status they were never meant to have. When this happens, they become very dangerous things indeed because they threaten to displace God from his rightful place. Idols are dange