Drunk Dial Square

(10 November 2013) Scouse Dortmund United 1-3 Arsenal: The 3 in 1 Edition



Note: sorry there’s some talking and bottles clanging in beginning, but it goes away after a few minutes; pub was full on two floors from the match, so they were cleaning up. Long time no see, Gooners! Apologies, but as we explain in the podcast, Boston was a bit crazy last week so it was near impossible to record, but we made up for it this week! Following a tough week of fixtures where we dominated Liverpool, shocked Dortmund, and failed in Manchester, we can't be too upset with where we stand currently - top of the league and top of our group. Still, things to discuss and let's just say the second half of the cast started to get funny. Now then...the international break awaits and we welcome back healthy bodies on the other side. COYG. UTA. Cast: Bryce Larsen (@BLarsenAFC1886) Zachary Shrestha (@FunnyGooner) James Garvey (@JamesGarvey_BHC) Andy Klema (@AWKlema) Follow us @DrunkDialSquare. Website: www.drunkdialsquare.com