Held In Wildness

Held In Wildness//Episode 7//Mabon: The Autumnal Equinox



Held In Wildness is back with a new Mabon Episode! If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the season will turn with the Autumnal Equinox. You have probably already felt the brush of cool air on your cheeks in the evenings and noticed the subtle sigh of the plants as they cascade their leaves and seeds in a last hurray of summer abundance. In this Episode we discuss: *The symbolic aspects of Mabon/Autumn Equinox *We talk about the medicine of slowing down and re-examine what it means to surrender and re-imagine what it means to explore darkness. *A delicious seasonal recipe for homemade herbal chai to awaken our senses, activate our pleasure, and soothe our digestion. *We share a guided Tree Meditation weaving together our awareness and intuition on beautiful journey connecting us to what we have cultivated this year, how we are feeling at this turn of the season, and any important messages at this turning point in our lives. *Fall can be an incredibly potent time for creativity, yet many of us notic