Tennessee Wildcast

TW 165 - Tracking Mallards



This week, Jamie Feddersen, the TWRA Waterfowl Program Coordinator, joins us to discuss ducks in Tennessee. He will give us some updates on how bird populations are looking for this season. He will also be introducing a new joint mallard study with Tennessee Tech University. PhD students are capturing mallards in West Tennessee and placing GPS backpacks on them to track and better understand movements and habitat preferences of these birds in Tennessee and elsewhere.  We are excited about what this data will tell us moving forward. Hunters, If you harvest a bird with a backpack please contact the research team using the contact info on the transmitter. These transmitters can be redeployed and they want them back. The team will be happy to make a map of the harvested bird's movements and give you a replica transmitter for your mount or for those hunters who might want it as a keepsake. #tnwildlife #itswhatwedo www.tnwildlife.org