Tennessee Wildcast

TW 152 - Dr. Brooks Tiller Has A Fever, And The Only Prescription…More Outdoors



Tune in this week as we chat with Dr. Books Tiller about Nature Deficit Disorder, learn about some of his outdoor adventures and get tips on being physically ready for the upcoming deer season. Dr. Tiller combines faith in God, outdoor survival and hunting wisdom passed down for generations, along with his expertise in human movement, medical knowledge of the human body, and a champion’s mindset to help men become the full real man that God needs them to be. To dig deep and help each man find their true self and live out their purpose! Dr. Brooks Tiller has not only trained and rehabbed athletes of the highest caliber but is himself a competitive athlete. Brooks has been blessed to be sought out and work with Olympic medal winners, World Series Champs, MVP’s, NFL Pro-Bowl players, CrossFit champions, and American Ninja Warrior elite. He has also be known to hang out around the circus. Find out what that is all about right here, this week on Tennessee Wildcast. #tnwildlife #itswhatwedo #PassItOn