Lessons From The Universe With Jennifer Hall

Podcast 151 - Illuminating the Shadow



Habitual reactions take many forms… defensiveness, anger, blame, jealousy, and other “shadows” that rob us of our peace.  Born of our internal dialogue, feed by our emotions, and grown fat in the dark, we hide these parts of ourselves instead of embracing, dissecting, and healing them.  Deep down it is fear.  Fear of how we perceive ourselves.  Fear that we will reveal that we are sad, wounded, weak, or in pain.  Fear that we are less than perfect and incapable of being everything to everyone all the time.  Freedom from this darkness is the key to enlightenment.  It requires self-examination and brutal honesty.  It requires the acceptance that life school is constant and that all challenges are to be embraced with gratitude and heighten expectation.  It requires self-discipline and rewards the release of indignance with peace, acceptance, and light. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com