Lessons From The Universe With Jennifer Hall

Podcast 140 - Jenn on Joy



Joy is an integral part of self-mastery.  Every time we allow ourselves to laugh, to smile, & to appreciate the humor of life, we change who we are on a deep, even cellular, level.  Joy allows us to rewrite the very structure of this human instrument and become something more beautiful than we were before.  Even if the world around us is crumbling, we can recognize that we are not the world…  We can focus on the beauty within, that was, and that remains.   We can allow that seed to grow from recognition, to observation, to JOY.  After all, if we can’t laugh at who we were and where we’ve been, we’re kind of missing the whole point. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com Original air date:  11-9-18