What's On Joe Mind?

WOJM 158: YouTube TeamStream 3/12/2021 (w/Carson Mataxis)



This episode is the audio for a YouTube TeamStream that initially ran on March 12, 2021.  TeamStreams run every Friday at 9 pm on the WOJM YouTube channel, barring unforeseen circumstances or holidays. In this episode, former host and 3DJoes owner Carson Mataxis returns to WOJM to announce the partnership between his site, Joe Declassified, RAHC Guide, and the creative forces behind JoeIntel and Yojoe.com to build 3DJoes into the definitive source for GI Joe fans online!  Plus, the show (finally) passes 500 YouTube subscriptions, so get ready for next week's contest to win GI Joe: Classified COBRA Commander and Gung-Ho!  DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE! You can watch this episode at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxq2Zj6DuLI