Succession Secrets

059 - Reverse Engineer and Execute like Crazy



I would like to share with you a simple recipe that I used to generate revenue and kick-start my business when times were bleak.  It is about setting a target, reverse engineering the input actions required to reach that target and to execute those actions. It’s easier said than done, as an entrepreneur is faced with constant distractions from the outside as well as from her own curious and excitement seeking mind. It is all too easy to be seduced by the next shiny object of an idea.  On today’s show I make the case against creativity and ideas. They are important, but at times of emergency, they can be counterproductive. Tune in to listen to what happened to my investment banking business when we got closed out of our market overnight. How we scrambled to stay in business and rebuild our project portfolio, so that we could stay afloat and give ourselves a chance to return to profitability. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy the show, please review and rate us on iTunes. It helps us get higher