Succession Secrets

031 - How to Grow by Compression



The faster your company grows the earlier your and others’ succession can happen.  And for rapid growth, sales effectiveness is critical. What often kills sales effectiveness is long sales cycles.  Some industries, such as IT Solutions, Government Contracting and my own previous business, Investment Banking are notorious for having long sales cycles. Brruh. The longer the sales cycle, the more resources it consumes and the riskier each sale becomes.  The more time it takes to close the sale, the higher the chance for the client to change his mind, for circumstances to change, or even for the money to disappear from the customer’s purse. In this episode, I share with you a quirky process Vistage groups use to shorten sales cycle for their members and some of the ways I succeeded with shortening sales cycles in my business and what I see worked for others.  Shortening the sales cycle by just 25%, can grow your sales by 33% and your profits by 50% or more. Tune into the show, you won’t regret it. Your Suc