Succession Secrets

027 - How Do You Invest Your Time



Welcome back Succession Seekers!  Time is money. – More than money.  Money lost can be recovered, but time lost is gone forever. If you want to become more valuable to your business, you have to grow the value of your time. If your goal is to make $200,000 a year, your work will have to earn you $100 every hour, assuming 250 full working days in the year.  If you want to make a $1 million, your time must be worth $500 an hour.  In this podcast Episode, your succession coach Steve Preda will share with you his number one strategy to help his clients use their time more effectively.  He also shares strategies on how to continually jack up your hourly charge.  You will also find out how this strategy helps morale in the whole company and how it boosts growth across the organization. Question of the Day: What is the best use of your time? Your Succession is Success!