Empowerment Radio Show

Meet Eni Oszlai, The Financial Doctor



Eni Oszlai is an Award winning Financial Doctor, RBC’s TOP Financial Specialist in Canada. She worked over 10 years in the world of investments, managing portfolios of millions of dollars, when a car accident has changed her life. Her journey of healing was part of a massive realization: investing alone is not doing the trick! More holistic solutions are needed – for All! She holds several licences, including for investments, insurance and real estate, which makes her the successful financial doctor who she is today. In addition, she has obtained a Teaching degree and a Master certificate in Adult Education, and successfully completed the Leadership & Coaching course with Noel Walrond, graduate of international best-selling author and master coach, Bob Proctor. Eni has been helping thousands of families, individuals and businesses to reach and surpass their financial goals, increase their revenues while minimizing their tax burden. She is a regular speaker at Ontario’s stages, and has been invited to sev