Fortunes And Families Podcast Network

Asking for Connection and Closeness | Marriages Worth Millions



The distance and disconnection that entrepreneurial activities can cause in the relationship can be devistating. Our partners need connection.  They need more than our money and our industry. Learning to lift up from the activity of business is success stragtegy - just like sales - that every entrepreneur needs to learn.  Marriages need to have engaement.  Spouses will express need and when we fail to respond can leave them feeling abandoned and betrayed. Brett and Gina explore a recent possible disconnection when Brett had emotionally/mentally pulled away due to exhaustion from a 30 hour road trip trying to get home from Dallas. Gina remained vulnerable and stepped into the disconnection and asked for the closeness that she was longing for.  Tune in and find out how they managed to side step a major relationship failure through remaining Accessible, Responsive, and Engaged.    Be sure to Like and Share the show.   Want your copy of Marriages Worth Millions 5 tools to a deeper relationship?  Go to Fortunesand