Free Teacher Pd

Episode 022: The Lowdown on Bullying, Understand and Identify Bullying (1)



Glad to have you with us for a new episode of Free Teacher PD:  Part 1 of The Lowdown on Bullying: Understand and Identify Bullying, with Susan Brooks-Young. Do you, like many people, think bullying consists primarily of older boys targeting younger children?If so, that isn't always the case. You see, many instances of bullying occur between children who are the same age or in the same grade level. And, while direct bullying is typically the work of boys, a lot of bullying does occur between girls, too. Are you able to identify the three most common forms of bullying? Please join me as Susan Brooks-Young helps educators prepare to deal with bullying by offering a clear definition of bullying, shares common characteristics of bullies and their victims, and dispels some bullying stereotypes. Let’s get learning!