Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#476 – Race Strategy and Confidence



The best athletes don’t worry about bad breaks or rough weather conditions, they prepare for them. Today starts with Coach Robbie professing his new interest in Formula One Racing and how the strategy applies to the run in triathlon. We go through different ways to take anxiety out of your preparations so you can focus on problem solving. We get into several common scenarios and how you can learn to “adjust and correct” on the fly when your race isn’t going as planned. Races always bring pain and challenges, how are you going to plan and adjust? Topics: Chattanooga 70.3 - Hot or Cold? Come by the C26 Grand Opening at Chattanooga 70.3 Mikes Ironman Chattanooga training begins Our coaches camp Formula One Racing?? It’s not about where you start, but where you end up It’s all about the back half of the run Giving up time on the bike to gain more on the run Panic and paying overnight shipping Racing in a sea of athletes but thinking independently  It’s like playing in our Super Bowl Don’t focus on other people o